Information from Danish Sailing Association
The EBA has been asked by Peer Bent Nielsen on behalf of the Danish Sailing Association to forward this message to all EBA members in the Baltic region. This message has been sent to the contacts for EBA members in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Germany and Poland.
Dear friends,
The Danish Police has asked the Danish Sailing Association to inform foreign sailors about the corona situation in Denmark. The short story is: Do not sail to Denmark. It would highly appreciated, if you could help us by informing your sailors about this.
The information from the Danish Police is:
”To private sailors entering Denmark from the seaside
”Due to the situation with coronavirus/covid19 the temporary border control in Denmark has been extended. People entering Denmark from the seaside must have a worthy purpose for entry. Private sailors doing yacht and motor cruising are regarded as tourists and therefore have no worthy purpose in Denmark at this moment. The Danish police conduct border control in harbors – but also control on sea can occur. Learn more about the situation and what a worthy purpose is on or call +45 7020 6044”
Thanks in advance.
Best regardsChristian Lerche CEODanish Sailing Associationt (+45) 88207001m (+45)
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